I don't think there's a day that goes by when I don't think about women. So, what are you supposed to do on International Women's Day to make March 8th somehow stand out? Can this be achieved through special broadcasts? - like the sobering one I woke up to on CBC radio this morning regarding the complete impunity towards men who kill women (average 2 per day) in Guatemala? No, I think this would pretty much interest me any day of the year. Then, what about those narrowcasts that make their way into our day? - those emails from friends, family etc. wishing you a "Happy Women's Day!"? What, in fact, does hallmarking a day for women do for women?
Today is a public holiday in Russia - a day to give women flowers. This reminds me of how a Korean friend, Hyun-Jung, who is in her early 40s now, told us how Korea used to celebrate UN Day before being admitted as a member nation to the UN. She and her classmates in elementary school would draw pictures of people from distant nations all holding hands in anticipation of becoming part of the UN. (They were also instructed to draw pictures of the North Korean leader, Kim Il Sung, as a devil - but that's another story.)
UN Day is no longer a public holiday in South Korea and Ban Ki-moon is the new leader of the UN. I now look forward to the time when we no longer need to demarcate March 8th as International Women's Day...hope we're not in for too long of a wait.